General Information
This white paper describes the initial sale where the ABOAT TOKEN (ABOAT) is sold. ABOAT is a crypto token that can be used for all services offered by the ABOAT PRODUCTS as explained in this whitepaper. ABOAT can also be used as a crypto token to pay for other services offered by other companies. Aboat Entertainment will generally not restrict the use of ABOAT or the types of business entities that wish to use ABOAT for their business.
ABOAT shall not constitute a security in any jurisdiction. This white paper is not a solicitation of investment and in no way relates to an offering of securities in any jurisdiction.
ABOAT does not represent any equity, shares, shares, royalties or rights to capital, profits, earnings or proceeds of the platform or software or the company or any other company or intellectual property affiliated with Aboat Entertainment UG or any other public or private company, corporation , foundation or other legal entity. An ABOAT token is not intended to represent a security or similar legal interest and is not an investment product
Please note that purchases from ABOAT are final and non-refundable.
Individuals, companies and other organizations should carefully consider the risks, costs and benefits of acquiring ABOAT.
The white paper does not constitute advice on purchasing!
Statements made in the white paper relate to the future of the ABOAT ECOSYSTEM and may change depending on legislation, regulation or the market situation. Aboat Entertainment UG writes the whitepaper to the best of its knowledge and belief. However, it is not responsible if strategic/environmentally influenced decisions lead to a change in the basic concept described here.
Last updated
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